Louis Payet

Louis Payet

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer at Peach Health Asia and is also one of the co-founders of the company. He has worked across the Asia Pacific region for the last 20 years and has a diverse healthcare background ranging from investment banking, corporate development, medical research and company management. Giving something back to the community in Asia is one of his passions, and Peach Health was established with this goal in mind.

Louis entered Asia 20 years ago after completing a PhD in medicine and started his career in the medical research space. His initial career covered a number of areas in the healthcare and pharma space, including venture capital, investment banking and consulting, In  2010 he joined Invida Pharma in Singapore. Hired as the head of business development, the objective of his role was to support the building and restructuring of the Company’s portfolio across Asia to facilitate the trade sale of the business. This goal was successfully realized in 2012 with the sale of the Company to Menarini Pharmaceuticals.

In 2014 he joined Sinclair Pharma, where he was again hired to build the business and a support an eventual trade sale of the Company. Starting as the head of Asia, he then became head of Asia and Europe before taking on the role of head of corporate development. Sinclair Pharma was successfully sold to Huadong Pharmaceuticals in 2018. After the completion of this process, he moved into commercial business development and M&A roles at Zuellig Pharma.

Louis has a strong interest in the digital health space. He was instrumental in setting up a digital partner development program in Asia while at Sinclair Pharma. In Zuellig he led the creation and execution of the Company’s digital therapeutics initiative, which resulted in the formation of a licensing partnership with Twill Health in 2022 covering 10 countries in the Asia region. This was the first prescription digital therapeutics partnering deal completed in the region covering these territories.